6th Annual 12th Night Giveaway: Final

Well, here we are again. The end of the 12th Night Giveaway. It dawned on me last night that yesterday, as well as being the Birthday of Sherlock Holmes, also marked the 6th anniversary of the first Well-Read Sherlockian blog. I still remember how nervous I was, hitting “publish” for that first time. How excited I was to see when someone actually read it. Blogging has taught me a great deal about reviewing, writing, and Sherlock Holmes. It has also provided me with so many opportunities–perhaps the most valuable one being making connections with other Sherlockians. There have been some changes to the blog, and there will be more this year. But one thing will remain a fixed point: my affection and gratitude for all of you. I hope that any changes you experience in 2018 will be good ones!

Well, my daughter just pulled a name out of the red polar bear tote bag that has been this season’s drawing container. The winner of the Gillette autograph is:

Resa Haile

The quote, of course, was from The Sign of Four (The Sign of the Four was ok, too!).  Now, on with the business of packing things up, trekking out to the post office, filling out customs forms…and looking for new treasures.  After all, it’s only 351 days until December 24th!


Twelfth Night





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4 responses to “6th Annual 12th Night Giveaway: Final

  1. Claudia

    Thank you for doing this. It’s such a fun and fantastic way to celebrate the holidays! Happy New Year! Cheers!

  2. Olivia

    What a treat to read and learn from. Carry on dear blogger!

  3. Jeannie Patton

    I always look forward to the countdown and read it. Although I’ve read the canon twice, in no way could I answer your clever questions. I’m in it for the amusement — thanks!